ODK Breaking Changes
If you’re about to submit a breaking change, edit this page, copy the template to the top of the Current breaking changes section and fill it out with information about your breaking change and how to fix it. Please post your CL review within #os-ext-odk-review and tag that this is a breaking change, with a link to your entry.
As a reminder, whenever moving assets, you must ensure that you've done so with a valid (non-cleaned up) redirector.
Date of change: dd/mm/yyyy
CL: https://imp-p4-swarm.corp.i8e.io/changes/123456
Affected Features: <List the feature(s) you changed (e.g: audio)>
Point of contact: <That’s you! For when projects have questions during the integration>
What’s broken and why?
<In-depth description of everything that was changed and how it affects downstream projects>
How to fix it?
<Step by step guide for fixing the breaking change. Add screenshots for required content changes! Also, assume that the reader has no prior knowledge of your system specifically.>
How to test it?
<Step by step guide for testing that the change has been integrated correctly>